A Life of Laughter

By LaughterLover

Who Needs to Study?

Aim in life number one: get a University degree.

After travelling to Dundee this morning (due to an accident on the A7 last night) I headed straight to Uni for lectures and even a tutorial in the sun! Being a redhead though, perhaps the tutorial in the sun was not a good idea, I ended up feeling like I was going to melt and burn at the same time.

Becca and I took a wee road trip to Broughty Ferry beach, where we just sat in the sun and chatted whilst looking at the gorgeous view. I absolutely adore exploring new places, whether it be on holiday or just a new part of where I stay. For me, there is nothing more exciting than seeing a new place.

The weather and the little road trip made me excited for going on holiday during the summer, but also for summer itself. Who doesn't love when the weather warms up and all you want is to sit outside, with a good book and an ice cream? No sunny day is complete without an ice cream, even if it is a McFlurry like Becca and I had.

Hope the sun keeps shining,

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