Capital adventures

By marchmont


Despite the forecasts of a return to normality it was another beautiful day, if cooler.

Another day of running very fast round the wheel - and not achieving very much. there were visitors though, and they do slow things down slightly. The Pear Tree was mobbed though. What a great start to the tourist season.

There was a cooler wind so the Meadows were less crowded but still busy. Elsewhere theirLadyships have remarked on the amazing work being done by the 'clearer uppers'. They have certainly had their work cut out this week.

This evening was frustrating - trying to sort out Royal Mail which appears to have charged my x number of times for a postage underpayment because of a glitch on their website, launching the fight against the clothes moths attack, vacuuming and eventually eating. Went to bed, too tired to blip, and aghast at the petrol queues and the debate on 'Question Time'. Managed to get Friday's night out organised, though.

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