Nature day after day

By loveofnature

Put your stamens in the air!

And let's celebrate Spring! Another glorious day today (still a tad windy though) but it's just so great to see the garden come alive again with this warm weather we've been getting. There are so many bees buzzing around and so many different species, too. The birds are busy singing, chasing each other, feeding, then collecting nest material, singing, chasing each other (you get the gist ;)) and I'm hoping our hedgehog will awaken soon (if he hasn't already). I left some mealworms in a bowl under the plum tree the other night where he always feeds at dusk but in the morning when I looked I don't think it had been touched (the birds were eating them instead).

Enjoy the weather while it lasts! I think we're going back to cloudy, cold weather this weekend unfortunately :(

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