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Death and Taxes

'Death and Taxes'

Board games, do people still play them much?

As a child, I have fond memories of them, from Ludo and Snake & Ladders to Cluedo and Trivial Pursuit. But with the vast amount of tech available to us, there seems to be less and less focus on physical board games these days.

Monopoly was always a favourite of mine. The excitement first started by selecting your silver metal token which, in the British version, could be anything from a Top Hat to an Old-Style Boot. Then you received your cash, £1,500, all nicely colour-coded and ready to be exchanged.

Landing on one of the the high-stake properties, Mayfair/Park Lane/Bond St., with the prospect of cleaning your opponent out with multiple red hotels was an exciting one and we would play for hours, with our own house rules, in an effort to increase the total amount of time spent playing.

No one really knew when the game was supposed to end, I'm still not that sure now. But theoretically it could go on for hours, it seemed an unreachable condition. In most cases, we'd get bored or have to go and do something else so there was no clearly defined end, not that it mattered, we had fun and that was the main goal.

Our Daily Challenge (ODC): MONO

112 Pictures in 2012: #033 Money

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