Pink Bicycle Girl

By angelahen

What a day!!

Well I have been dreading this day for a few weeks - my last day after 22 years with the company. Yes I am happy to leave the team, but sad to leave all my friends and what I know. It was doubly stressful as I had an interview this afternoon. I haven't got a clue how I did - but I couldn't answer some the questions - that's not good. Will hear next week.

I did have to laugh though, I popped into M&S for a sandwich and it must be pensioners day. Well I turned some heads - bald women in a very stunning red suit. Their surprised/shocked little faces made me chuckle

The good news is that the day work wise is over - hurray!! After tea I realised that I did not have a blip. We walked Tallulah - but nothing inspiring so I jumped on Snowny with Pete in tow (oh I wish - other way round more like) and went to Ferry Meadows to catch the sunset. It was a toss up between this one and one of the sunset over the water. Pete thought his revamped 1960's Moulton would be good for a blip - maybe...

Going to settle down watch telly, drink wine and relax - oh the rock and roll life style

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