The Lighted Life

By Giacomo


Bonnie and the girls are still in Florida but my trip was cut by a few days to tend to an important deal for my firm. I flew back to Minnesota first thing, did what needed to be done at the office, and, then, grabbed the pups and headed to Crosby Farms shortly before dusk. Bravo started getting quite birdie towards the end of the walk and I followed him through six inches of muck to see this pair of nesting geese in the reserve. They were unusually calm given that one extremely athletic dog was less than five feet from them. I pressed the button and called the dog off. For once, he listened to me on the first command and the geese lived happily ever after.

As I reflect on this week, I realize you have all been so kind to me each and every day. I must tell you, the llight in Florida makes almost any photograph look good. But, photographs are just images and the events they capture are what matter most. This trip was one of the best of my life, and while I appreciate and value your accolades on my blips, what matters most to me are your comments about my family. Your words reside deeply within my heart as I cannot imagine my life without "my girls". You are all so kind.

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