
By tufty

Cretins abound!

Saw this yesterday in Vörösmarty Tér. One huge square with 6 access roads. Some twat (no doubt an EU official) has seemingly decreed that we need signs to indicate where the exits are...maybe for the blind? No, that wouldn't work either, now, would it. It's one thing that some plank of wood sat behind an EU desk thought of this plan, it's quite another that some twat in local government ensured that the directive was obeyed. Depressing, isn't quite the word. The latest news is that they're planning to install these signs in private blocks of flats too...what?! Just in case I forget which way I came in?! Someone, do the world a favour; find these muppets and put them out of their misery, please! On a related note, I now fully comprehend why the manufacturers of breakfast cereals are required to print pictographic instructions on what to do with the said cereal. We are swiftly becoming thick.

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