In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

There's a house on the hill

We stood frozen
for a few seconds, but in the darkness it felt like an eternity.
" What do we do now." I asked, nervously.
" Sh!" She responded, standing on her toes as if ready to make a run for it.
" Who's there?" the threatening voice yelled.
Except it wasn't like a real yell, more a howl, like a wolf, yet very much a man's voice.
She leaned towards me and whispered,
" My eyes are adjusting to the darkness, are yours? Because if they are look over there, just around the wall, See there, at the edge of the trees. Don't you see it? That little house, on the hill.
Slowly and tentatively I turned my head to where she was pointing and noticed, through the gloom, this strange tiny building sitting precarious;y on the slope before us.
Footsteps were approaching us, one, two, pause; one, two , pause.
"Let's make a dash for it, " I hesitatingly advised.
Just then a loud growl came from just a few feet behind us...

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