Kinda collapsed this morning. Had woke up with a migrain but that's nothing unusual for me. Had dropped Kade off at school and was siting dong my crossword when my eyes went funny, I became very dizzy and thought I was going to be sick.

Have suffered from attacks of VERTIGO in the past and thought it was this although this time the speed in which it hit was frightning.

Lay right down on the couch where i became even more dizzy. Couldn't get back up and I could hear Nic in the shower. When she came out I tried to shout up to her but all I got was a yelling of 'Wait till I've done my hair eh!'

When she'd done that and came down she got a bit of a shock as by then I was crying and very ill.

Nic phoned my work to say I wouldn't be in then phoned around to try arrange for Kade to be picked up after school as she was off to work. By then I was on a heap in the downstairs toilet trying not to be sick and the pain in my head was unbelievable.

Got back to the living room and calmed down a bit then Nic went to work.

I called the surgery and asked for a home visit but was too late for today, but Dr 'H' called me back and said he'd try to get the chemist to drop off a perscription to the house as it was urgent.

2 hrs later (I was asleep and had been sick by this time) Dr 'H' turned up at the door with the tablets himself and a perscription for more. 1 tablet directly under the top lip till it desolves - would work in about 40 mins.

D 'H' took my blood preassure and was worried as it was very high. He took it 3 times and still wasn't happy. Wasn't sure if the headache was caused by this too. Told him I'd been really stressed the last few days (over Kade and ther bullying and police visit about it) and he said that the stress could have triggered the Vertigo.

So I'm thinking this is me ill because of that belter and her maniac son!

Anyway... I have to go into get my blood pressure taken on Friday as he was worried about it, and he left a 2nd tablet (in pic and now under my top lip).

A big thanx to that Doctor for coming out to see me too or I'd still be swinging round the toilet!

I'm feeling a bit better after having slept all afternoon. Still a bit disorientated, very shakey and wobly and still a bit dizzy.

I doubt i will comment but I will try to comment back to any left to me :S

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