
I phoned Chippy when I saw how nice the morning was and asked him if he fancied a trip to Aira Beck.We were early enough to get there before the crowds. By the time we'd taken some shots and had a few stops for cups of tea, there was a constant stream of walkers. One of them enthusiastically asked if there was something particular we were photographing. "Yes!" I replied, equally enthusiastically, "Water! It's such wonderful stuff!"

I did NOT think it was such wonderful stuff when I got home to find the kitchen floor wet! With both the dishwasher and the washing machine running it took a while to find the fault. Hopefully though, it will be easy to sort after a trip to B & Q tomorrow, in the meantime an old pan is catching the drips.

LOL! Just seen that Chippy has used the same view! I used to be worried about that happening on days we went out together but I'm much more relaxed about blip these days!

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