The long journey

By thelongjourney

Shine a light

The period of insanely huge piles of work and stupid hours has finally come to an official end!!!!

I will fill you in. I was down in Bristol for 6 months as part of my research, which I enjoyed very much but, I have to admit, was an extremely stressful period. The last two weeks in August for me were maniac: finish off my project, pack, move, unpack, prepare for my conference, travel to Seattle, spend a night in Seattle waiting for my bags which United Ailines lost in somewhere in Chicago, get to Victoria, poop my pants while waiting to give my talk, talk about my research in front of LOTS of geniuses. But I'm done and now I am officially on holiday!!! whoowhoo! The presentation went well: I had lots of good feedback, which left me really chuffed and gave me an incentive to enjoy even more tonight's reception at the Royal BC Museum. It was awesome: traditional dances and great food (I went for seconds of seafood, yum yum). I am here in Victoria until friday and off to Alaska for some well deserved holidays (I shall keep you blip posted on that!)

I have just realised the ridiculous backlog of blips that I need to upload, which is going to take time to sort out but I will eventually get there. I apologise about having been rubbish and not keeping up with my commenting as well...I have missed blip so much!!!!

Have a fantastic time, whatever you are doing :)

(forgot to mention that today's blip is the victoria inner harbour, and the building covered in lovely lights is the BC Legislature building)


"May the good lord shine a light on you
Make every song your favourite tune
May the good lord shine a light on you
Warm like the evening sun"

Shine a light - Rolling Stones

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