
By cyclops

The Orchestra

This orchestra consists of a fine collection of alarms on the wall of a building - no fewer than four generations by my count.

It's a photo I've had in mind for a while but I had always envisaged using the diffuse light of a cloudy day. I went past it today when heading somewhere else though, and I couldn't resist the bizarre shadows in the low sun. I'm not really sure I'm happy with the result but I can't put my finger on why...

Had the second round of injections yesterday - Hepatitus B and Meningitus vaccinations. So both my arms are a bit sore, and I feel a little run down. I did last time too... The good news is that I am immune to Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Chickenpox so I can get that side of my form signed off without any further injections. One more Hep B shot to go and I'm done. God bless the state of Massacheusetts and their draconian vaccination policy for college attendance...

I got back from my Lochinver weekend late on Monday and since then the week has been a whirl. With too much work, the car in for service and my doctors appointment I've just not had time to do anything. A course I was supposed to be doing this weekend has been cancelled though, so I should hopefully catch up a bit then...

Back to work now!

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