Granny Deli, apparently

Out of sorts. Not me obviously, but surely in this day and age one would expect some sort of trick on this day of April fools. Unlike yestreday when the number one son spent the first waking hour crying and not having much fun and waking the rets of the household, he and I laughed and learned new words. He has reached the interaction stage which is very entertaining and today he was my bestest ever friend.

Today I managed to do the one DIY job I can safely say is my least favourite, it involves removing silicon from the surround of the bath and replacing it. There is the pleasure in having it done but it is something thankfully I only have to do every two years.

I did manage to get various other things done which have been waiting a very long time so a very productive day.

Still on a high after yesterday's visit, such a delight to meet such wonderful people.

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