Is The Coast Clear?

A running spur of the moment look at Mr. Squirrel. It looks like he is definitely checking to see if the moment is right for a sprint across the yard. Sure enough he took off and then one of the blackbirds swooped down at him. I believe they have a hate hate relationship. He made it to the next tree without to much blackbird damage. I'm sure he'll remember that sometime. Of course I was to fumble fingers to get a shot of him and the blackbird swoop... oh well..

Busy day today. We managed to divide several hosta plants. I casually sent out an e-mail at work to close co-workers last week, wondering if anyone wanted any of the plants. Well, I have a trunk full of plants to take to work tomorrow. They are all promised. I was a little surprised at how many offers I had :)

I may have to dig up some more so I'll have enough for everyone.. haha.

PS Backblip from Saturday

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