And...breathe in...

The chicks have definitely hatched - I can hear them squeaking away when they're hungry, and the very attentive parents come straight away.

I tried to take some remote activation shots of these a few weeks ago, but they wouldn't play ball. Now, they don't even mind me standing a few metres away! This was on a tripod though.

Apart from the success of finally catching the blue tits in the hole, it's been a busy day blip-wise!

I suppose it's a bit like answering yes to publicity when you win the lottery, as when I passed 365 the other week, Blip asked if I would participate in some local media. Having once been part of the media, I thought no more of it. This morning, I was live on BBC Essex, by lunchtime a photographer with a very nice EOS D1 mkIV had arrived to take my photo and later I am booked to do an interview with the local rag!

I managed to mention 3 or 4 times over the interview, so maybe we'll have some newcomers from this area soon?

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