
By Veronica

Wet day

It was a cold, wet and grey day today -- though possibly not as wet as Tickytocky's. I'm a bit useless at finding inspiration when the weather is bad. This is the same tree that I blipped a couple of weeks ago. The blossom is gone and the leaves are now fully developed. They look beautiful when it's sunny. Not so much when it isn't, but I liked the way the rust-coloured shutter complemented them.

So not very inspired, but it will have to do. Footnote: I was going to post this photo of Mystère, but Steve was outraged. "You can't post that! It's too ugly!" What do you think? Mystère is very pleased with himself; he caught a mouse.

If you want to see an inspiring blip, look at chaiselongue's. I love the aquarium in Banyuls -- I must go back there soon.

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