Pixel Smiths

By pixelsmiths


We decided early on a plan for the day, so I set out at 10.30 on the first leg. MTB up Kennedys Bush, along the top of the Port Hills, down Gebbies Pass, meeting the family at Moturakara. 33km and 1.5 hours (it is a long way up Kennedys!)

Adam joined me on the bike as we joined Little River Rail Trail and the goal was to ride to Birdlings Flat, meet the rest, and then head to the Little River cafe for lunch, and visit the art gallery. Adam wasn't into the ride right from the start and after 5km was grumbling pretty loudly, but then things got worse.

As we crossed close the edge of Lake Ellesmere we were inundated with little midge type insects - entire swarms of them. I jollied him along, but after a few minutes (the path ahead still black with bugs) I conceded defeat and we backtracked to the nearest piece of road, and called back our ride. We still rode 7km, which was pretty reasonable on a slightly miserable day.

Adam wasn't happy at all being swarmed by these creatures. They didn't sting, but they got in your eyes, ears, nose, and we both swallowed a fair few. Didn't need lunch - insect surprise ;-)

Actually, had lunch anyway, Little River is a great spot to enjoy devine food, deserts, and look at expensive art!

Total for me, 40km, half of what I need to do in a few weeks time ...

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