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24 vs 36

"I spy, with my little eye, something beginning with F?"

Film - Obsolete? Or still very much in use?

With the recent collapse of Kodak, I would very much assume that film is dead. However, there are indications that there is a small, but strong band of people contributing to the comeback of film over the past few years.

In the latter group, is the fashionably popular world of Lomography. Lomography involves the exclusive use of film cameras and specialty films to create unique, colourful and blurry images.

I like the idea of film, the historic process of processing is essentially unchanged since it's conception in the 17th century and hence the link to silver for 112. The key component in photographic film is the light-sensitive silver which essentially creates the analog image.

Like printed books and encyclopedias, there is an element of 'out with the old' and I wait to see what actually happens (though I can guess). In the meantime, spread the analog goodness if you can, it may not be around for too long.

I decided to create a high contrast black and white image of the film roll which was relatively simple in PS using gradient maps, tone curves and saturation. Given the time I would have liked to remove the grey completely.

Our Daily Challenge (ODC): BEGINS WITH 'F'

112 Pictures in 2012: #10 Silver(y)

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