Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Yoga baby

Henry has had another tooth come through, and one of my nipples now has a hole in :( its just friction from where it rests on me rather than him biting me but it's very sore and I've just got to wait for it to lose its razor sharp edge. He's very dribbly again so I think another is on its way. I would have been more than happy for him to be one of those babies who doesn't have any teeth until they're 1!

I had my first session back at work - only an introductory teaching thing but it was still strange. Tomorrow is my first proper day - its going to be a long one as I've got to leave at 7.15am! Hopefully I'll get home before 7 to put Henry to bed.

He seems to have had a good afternoon at nursery, apart from not eating much at tea time. He had both bottles of milk though which is an improvement! He's still not sleeping for long there but I'm hoping that will change as he gets used to it.

Today's blip is Henry doing what looks like a downward facing dog yoga pose on my lap. I'm not sure what he was actually doing but he seemed to be having fun!

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