Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Another cold

Henry has picked up a cold from nursery already! He is very snotty and is finding it hard to breathe through his nose which is making feeding difficult. He's been very happy otherwise though - he had some big smiles for my mum this morning!

We stayed at my parents last night as I had the dentist today. I left Henry with him while I went, in the hope that he would just sleep but it was all too exciting and he didn't want to miss anything! My dad took him for a long walk in his sling, my mum sang and read to him and my sisters played with and cuddled him.

I brought him home at lunchtime and got him to have a long nap - meant I could have one too which I appreciated after being up every 2hrs last night. I'm going to miss my afternoon nap when I'm back at work.

Talking of work, it's my first day back tomorrow - only an induction session in the afternoon which should be straightforward. My new bag came this afternoon so I've been filling it up - I feel like a proper Dr now!

Today's blip is Henry brushing his teeth. He likes chewing the toothbrush too, and turning it round to gnaw on the handle.

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