Pixel H

By PixelH

E is for....Eagerly Awaiting

After a pretty easy day of going for coffee to Peacocks in Ely (if anyone is ever passing or visiting Ely by the way, please go to Peacocks because it is probably THE best coffee shop in the East of England) (this is weird, giving recommendations for coffee shops rather than pubs....oh how times have changed....) and then sorting out old photos, we decided that we should get the nursery furniture finished.

Normally undertaking any DIY requires us to have a five minute time-out session at least once (when we were wall papering the 5 minute time-out happened before we even put the first bit of paper up)...but this was a breeze. No time-out of any length required. We must be growing up.

We are struggling for space but I'm sure we will fit it all in with a bit of ingenuity. Now just waiting to see if the baby will fit in....

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