A Rural Mural

One of the things that being on Blip has done for me is to get me out into the countryside. Driving on new and unexplored roads...looking for just the right picture. I find it to be both relaxing and rewarding.

The 3 bad things? 1. Everybody is in a hurry, and they don't like the "gawker" in front of them. 2. It gets the car all dirty, and a dirty car drives Lisa crazy. The question this afternoon will be..."Where have you been...Timothy?" 3. With gas at $3.91 a gallon...is the drive worth the reward? (I guess it depends on how good the picture is.)

I have never spent any time on a farm, and I have never driven a tractor. (It is on my bucket list, and driving my lawn tractor doesn't count.) But...I do love just driving around and seeing the farm spreads. I like both the immaculate and freshly painted barns and outbuildings, and the ones where you wonder how they are standing up.

This one has some character with the "stuff" just sitting around. It doesn't look like the tractor has been driven in years, but, of course, you have to keep it around for "parts."

Take a look at the rest of my drive on my flickr page. A pretty time of year. Can't wait for the rest of the color to show up.

43 and sunny here today. I'm watching the opening day game of the Detroit Tigers. Always good to have baseball arrive. It means summer is not far behind.

Click on LARGE to see some close-up junk. A dollar apiece if you can spot the vise.

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