
What a busy day! Gran came home from Canada today. I got to see her for a little while this afternoon, but not for long because Mum and I had to get to Glasgow airport to fly down to Bristol to see Dad. Papa took us in the car. Mum got a bit worried because the traffic was so bad on the motorway, but we arrived in plenty of time. I was very pleased to have my new Gruffalo trunki in the airport. I made friends in the queue with a little boy who had one too! Dad met us at Bristol airport, and I almost fell asleep on the bus on the way into Bristol because it was so hot. But then we walked to Dad's apartment and I had some supper and now it's time for bed. It looks very cosy, I think that Teddy and I will like it here!

And our first blip using the new location function. Perfect timing!

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