The Playground

I thought I was doing really well this morning, getting all three of us ready and out of the house I sufficient time to go to the library before my appointment with the nurse for my blood pressure check. Orla chose some new books and coloured in an Easter picture. She is on first name terms with the librarian. But when we got to the health centre, I discovered that I was actually an hour late for my appointment. And the nurse was too busy to see me, so I had to make a new appointment. Luckily I've been keeping an eye on my blood pressure at home and it's fine.

After a quick trip to the Co-Op we headed to Gran and Papa's for lunch. Then home as we had visitors in the afternoon - Larissa and her baby brother Aiden (and their Mum), Auntie Katie and Ryan and baby Brooke and her mummy. Lots more lovely presents for Conor (and for Orla!). As it was such a lovely day, we all went out for a walk to Orla and Ryan's favourite playground. They all had an absolute ball. There was much moaning on the way home mind you, but it is quite a long way for little legs.

And it's Friday, so daddy is home tonight, hurrah!

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