seen by highonahill

By highonahill


I was talking to Son of Mine about rainbows yesterday and the acronym for remembering the correct colours, rather than the colours in 'I Can Sing A Rainbow'.

How appropriate then, that today while out shopping in a certain kitchenware shop with a Cumbrian HQ, we bought this array of rainbow-coloured cupcake cases, ready to make cakes for his sister's birthday next week. Bonus colours in the pack: (P)ink and (B)rown...

We also bought a delightful wire cupcake stand in red (of course!) for £10 less than the ones in the aforementioned shop at a well-known High Street DIY/Kitchenware shop just a few paces away... what a bargain!

Remember: Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain. Bet he didn't have to make cupcakes first though...

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