A Dog's Dinner

By G

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Meet Brendan and his prize winning miniature allotment.

He's carefully made a shed and little seats from lolly sticks, painstakingly modelled vegetables and grown real watercress 'sweetcorn'.

A real little masterpiece and fully deserving his first prize.

Today we paid a visit to the Edinburgh Allotment Society's Flower and Vegetable Show. Lots of people, including Brendan, showing off their produce and winning prizes, maybe not as big or as prestigious as it used to be but nevertheless still important and worth preserving.

A bit like the jam and chutneys.

The highlight of the day was an unscheduled meeting with another Blipper..

It's so cool when that happens and very uplifting - you know,we do have lots of friends out there.

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