
By seathreepeeo

300 Baby!

Three Hundred!

Granted with more gaps than the London Underground, but THREE HUNDRED BABY!

When I started this journey I gave myself a week before the next exiciting shiny thing flittered into view and grabbed my attention.

That was before.

Before I knew about the wonderful communtiy of like minded people who potter about the world, camera in hand, looking like comeplete lunatics as they strive for the perfect shot.

This wonderful site has seen me through so much in 300 pictures. It's has seen me through teenage and pre-school tantrums, through a terrible loss and now has seen me through the birth of my third daughter. A moment in time that I never thought would come.

So, thank you. Thank you all for being there with me.

Normal service will be resumed tomorrow.

Disclaimer: No babies were harmed in the making of this picture, however they may have been humiliated, had they been awake.

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