
By seathreepeeo

Thank you!

Thank you all! I am truly overwhelmed by all the lovely comments, hearts and even a sub or two that I received for hitting 300 yesterday. Jess even hit the Spotlight page, something I'm sure she would be thrilled about, had she been awake.

Of course by posting this I have now lost my jolly red balloon. Curses.

I always get a little anxious when any of my pictures receives this kind of attention. I get the feeling that my new siubscribers are hanging around in the hopes of seeing something eggcellent *snort* sorry, in the hopes of seeing something excellent and I am only going to vastly disappoint them.

So sorry in advance, you've obviosuly come to the wrong place.

Icing Easter biscuits. I didn't bake them. It comes in handy having a husband that works for a well known food type shop. I have a sneaking suspicion that most of the icing and decorations ended up in their mouths rather than on the biscuits.

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