Cyanistes caeruleus

Double word confirmation that this is definitely blue:) (Cyan and Cerulean - both are words for various types of blues)

There are apparently about 40 million blue tits in Europe and we have two adults and unspecified number of chicks in our garden.

It's Good Friday and I should be out and about, but have instead been busy sorting out an errant video driver on my pc. It was lovely and sunny while I was doing that. Now I have done that, the sun has gone, the clouds have arrived and it's chilly. So, you are stuck with another blip of a blue tit this week!

This time s/he's on the way in to the box, although in fact on this occasion s/he didn't go all the way in, so was just checking all was ok. Not sure at the moment - apart from humans, what could get at the little ones, as the blue tits are almost the only birds who can fit through the hole!

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