
By TonyG


Tulipa greigii, raised from an envelope of seed given to me by a local AGS friend, Reg.

I visited Reg in hospital, during his final illness. He was then in his late eighties. Always fit and active, he went cross country skiing for the first time in his early eighties, he had lots of memories to share. On this occasion he talked about his recent trip to the Austrian Alps. He had gone to the mountains uninsured, "they wouldn't insure me with the op pending", despite this he talked of climbing 800m one afternoon in a time that I would struggle to match.

Reg also talked of the secret of long life and good health. This was his first illness since childhood to require a doctor! "I avoided the two Ss that afflict so many men." The two Ss - Sport and Smoking. Sage advice from someone who knew. Thanks Reg.

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