
By LeeAnne

The Hoarder...

This bus belongs to The Hoarder who lives a couple of doors down from Sarah. Apparently the bus was empty when it first arrived and slowly he's just filled it with stuff. A man after my own heart really, if I had a bus I could probably fill it with all the stuff I've hoarded over the years. I like it. I'm not sure I'd want to look at it parked outside my house every day but even so, I like the junk element of all the old stuff he's stashed inside it, most likely that he'll never find a use for but keeps it nonetheless.

We've had a very lazy day... we were going to go to the shoe shop over in Ramsbottom but we were too late getting organised and getting over there that it was closing at 3pm. It's probably just as well, not like I need any more shoes.

So now Sarah is making fajitas for dinner and I'm boiling eggs so that we I use the term 'we' very loosely can decorate them, as is the done thing at Easter, then tomorrow we're going to take them to Sarah's favourite place and roll them down a hill. We again very loosely are going to drag Sarah's daughter Emily with us... she's not really aware of this yet but has a party tonight so I suspect that she'll be hungover tomorrow. I think, since I don't have my own children, I'm going to be SUPER annoying in the eyes of a hungover teenager tomorrow and I'm really quite excited by the prospect!

The Voice and BGT I have a serious crush on David Walliams tonight, with a reasonably early night so that we don't waste the day tomorrow. I did get some cider though...

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