barking mad!

By mcd3

The pipes.

Well ....was up very early and went for my march at about 6am. Actually saw a bunny - a real one, hopping about in the scrub by the beach! Back home - everyone is still asleep - read the Sunday Times (WA stylie) - cuppa, pick HRH J McD who actually agrees to come out with us!!!!!

So pack sleepy (& smelly) 13 & 16 year old ( and J McD) into the car and head off down to Freo (where there is a Street Arts Festival on - Edinburgh eat your heart out! ...maybe not!) Its very warm ... kids starving to Little Creatures for a bit of a late brekky plus fantastic people watching which is an added bonus! Now the dilema ... its just about noon having a brekky ..can you have a beer?? oh ...ok go on then! Shot is of some pipes in the brewery making the golden nectare. Also caught a couple of good acts ...all good!

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