barking mad!

By mcd3


Woke up this morning to a thick fog (a real novelty) grabbed my camera and drove down to the lake to catch a fantastic mystical shot ....or not as the case may be as I couldn't see a thing!!

Tidied up the back garden and got rid of far too many spiders webs that were under the outdoor furniture and chairs! Then decided that I would pop out to try and snap a fantastic curly wulry pre- historic eucalyptus that I have spotted whilst dropping the boys off at school - the problem being that it is on a main road.

Snuck round the back of it - trying not to make the traffic think that I was an individual speed camera! Just too huge and fantastic to get it all - but I then noticed how lovely and neat the leaves were - they are very thick and have a silvery white coating (that I have got rid of oops!) Think that there may be many more blips of it to come.

Oh by the way, its a Eucalyptus Rhodantha or "Rose Mallee" - just wait till it flowers!

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