
By cyclops

Reciprocal View

I sit on the corner
Hemmed in by yellow lines

I lie unused and neglected
My doors no longer meet in the middle

Harling protects my neighbours
But my stones are bare

My reflection in the wet tarmac
Shows their rich colours

But I feel the rain running off
And weeds tickle me with their roots

It's not all it's cracked up to be.

Am I a blip in my own right?
Or merely an echo?

A reciprocal view from the site
Of a blip just a few hours old


Yesterday I used monochromatic sodium. Today, vivid colour.
Yesterday was dark. Today is light.
Yesterday I faced 180 degrees on the same spot.

So my blip is the opposite of yesterdays.

I'm stuck doing the same dull work though. Roll on the next phase of the project...

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