Pixel H

By PixelH

G is for....Gifts

Of which there has been plenty. We have been very lucky that way. These little booties are a hand-knitted present from Grandma N. She hasn't done much knitting before but these have inspired her. There is talk of knitted jackets and everything. I remember having to wear whole knitted outfits made by my grandmother....So if if I had to do it.....

G is also for Great foodie weekend. Yesterday we were up with Faye and Colin and Laura making and trying out canapes for Faye and Colin's wedding. Fantastic evening and we went for a walk round their land with the three dogs, hatching plans for orchards and wildflower meadows and ponds. Awesome day. Then today Grandma N, Grandpa N and Auntie Izzy came round for Easter Sunday. I made a very simple but tasty starter and as usual Mr. PH stole the show with his main. We also had cake. Very chocolatey cake. You can't ask for much more in life especially when you can't drink.

I'm noticing that this one picture a day isn't happening like I used to manage. THat being the case I'm just ending up with still lifes. I have just got out of the way of carrying the camera. Yesterday would have been an awesome one for photos too. So...the camera is coming with me from now on.

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