Pixel H

By PixelH

H is for....Hairy Bee Fly

Apparently in East Anglia where I live they are called 'beewhals', in reference to their lance-like proboscises.

H is also for happiness, which is summed up as being on maternity leave in spring time, spending time in the sun with Alison, Freya and baby Bethan, having nice lunch by the river and then going into the garden to take photos of amazing insects that land on bushes just coming into flower or colour.

Yesterday was also a day of seeing lots of people. We saw Monica and Dave and baby Stan and then saw Francesca, Bill and baby Mia. With all these babies around you'd think my one would like to make an appearance some point soon.

Hopefully it won't be tonight though cause Mr. PH is away on work.... :-)

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