Big Surprise

Look what pecked it's way out of my boiled egg this morning!!

Ben woke around 7am and he joined us till his bubba woke up. Then it was the four of us in the bed along with panda and rabbit - pretty squashed:-))

After lunch we got all togged up in the winter gear to brave the howling wind with a smirr blowing through it and climbed up the Red Brae at Blackford to roll the eggs. Breagha ate 7 boiled eggs, shell and all so we await the consequences tomorrow.......

A nice roast chicken for tea - yum .

Just sat and watched the final of the Biggest Loser USA - Couples, and the winner lost half his body weight. This programme has been inspiring me to keep going with my fitness regime, although I must add that my goal was 1 stone, which I am 1lb away from, but will keep going a bit more when I reach it.

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