Journey Through Time

By Sue

A Beautiful Easter Day in the Neighborhood... I went for a short photo walk. Snapped some spring time flowers and opted for these common flowers that spill over the raised beds, etc. I'm too lazy to look up the name of these plants, but you see them in these purple/blue/magenta/pink tones. This is at the lovely garden of the "rose lady" who maintains a gorgeous rose garden. I have posted several of her roses on Blip. Aubretia says Gladders, and thank you.

Bill is much better today. He mowed the lawn and edged as it is probably the warmest day of the year for us, so far, and since he felt good, he couldn't stand being indoors a moment longer. A lovely summer like day (70 F) with windy conditions from the east, hence the warm weather.

We watched a movie last night, "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy", the John Le Carre spy story. And let me tell was slow and confusing and I can't really recommend it unless you are already familiar with the story line. Even then, you are on your own.

Bill is not suppose to drive for the next week, so we shall see if he minds what the dr. says.

Hope you all had a good Easter weekend.

Take care and see ya later, Blippers.

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