The Adventures of Pippin

By kmcameron

Easter Pippin

My sister (who was out for a visit today) had to take this picture for me, because Pippin was using me as a chair!

We had been having Simnel Cake and a cup of tea and then, much to my delight, Pippin came over and asked up.

I love being the chosen one!!!

Although she placed her head (and paws!) on the table and was within sniffing distance of the cake and a few crumbs, she made no attempt to eat it, or them, at all! I was most impressed with her restraint.

I like Simnel Cake a lot, and enjoy trying to name all the marzipan apostles.

My Mum makes such nice things, and I'm sure Pippin would agree with me on that - even though she didn't sample any of the cake!

Hope everyone had a Happy Easter!

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