Dick's Pics

By RichardDonkin


In the 17th century certain strains of tulip became so prized they were changing hands for the price of a house in what was one of the first speculative financial bubbles. There's a note about it here on Wikipedia.

I love tulips and found this one had snapped off in the garden, so I brought it inside and stuck it in a specimen vase, then pictured it against various bits of coloured card. Then I shoved two pieces of card together and noticed this camera obscura effect inverting the image of the card. That I liked. The colours reminded me of those in Picasso's Harlequin. I guess you could argue that such a finely marked flower doesn't need any more colour but I like the image and hope you do too. I thought about trying a red one to go all-out on primary colours. but I didn't want to cut one and the light is fading now.

Son George joined me in the garden and blipped some fritillaries. This is his 100th blip since he joined on January 1 with a camera that santa brought him. I'm proud of him for keeping it up and for not being afraid of experimenting.

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