Life, Universe & Not Much

By micro43


'Flowers' was the suggested theme for today, so I went to extremes on this! It ends up looking horribly like those camera test shots on some web sites! - I'm never sure if these are 'real', or are shots of a print - I don't put much faith in them anyway, but if they are of a print I would put ZERO faith in them!. Anyway, this took a couple of hours to set up, the daffodils are freshly cut (I do NOT like cutting flowers), and the horrible reflection of the wall could only have been eliminated (I think) by repainting it matt black, and there are limits to how far I will go for my art (though I have thought of shedding blood for that).

Olympus Pen E-P3, 14-150mm.

PS: The title is partly inspired by the title 'Surfeit of Lampreys', a 'who-done-it', by Ngaio Marsh.

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