Imagine the view....

By btc

R&R Day 2 (also 102 days and counting)...

...this is all getting very confusing but stick with me.

Confusing blip headings apart, today has been a wonderful day, out sunbathing in 20? weather at 8am, have so far managed to avoid Benni (the nutter) that's what I've decided to name him, especially with one body swerve that George Best would have been proud of.

So lots of sunbathing, best ministry of sound chill out album, and some expensive and disappointing champagne (lesson learnt, they didn't have the one I wanted, should have left it)

Then off to the spa to summon every ounce of control I have, to be bathed, scrubbed, covered in mud and oiled up by a really hot Tunisian woman, who kept making really erotic groaning noises through the entire process (thought for a second that I had walked onto the making of a porn film by accident!)

Thankfully the woman who gave me my massage afterwards had the opposite effect and everything was back in check (too much information??!! Probably).

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