
A chanced-upon self-portrait today. Taking photographs of Charley who is about four and a half months old now, I noticed my reflection in the red cupboard door :)

Less busy day today. After breakfast (where Ben was delighted to find the Easter Bunny had been in overnight and left a few eggs around for him!) we went out to the shops to get various bits and pieces - and got caught in several rain showers. Given that we already knew what the weather was like it's amazing we didn't think to take any umbrellas. Or even a hood, in my case. Mum and Ben made it home through the last downpour but I was a bit further behind and decided enough was enough, and took cover under some trees! Dad, who'd popped into tesco, caught up with me and since he had a hood he ran home to fetch an umbrella and by the time he got back (only a few minutes!) the tree was pretty much giving up on any idea of shelter! So that was a fun morning. This afternoon Charley and I had a long lie down, and once he had had his fill of milk and sleep he played on his playmat half-naked for a good long time, time enough for me to get a lot of prep for May's craft kits done. Managed to mis-time dinner / sleep though, and had to walk Charley to sleep in the wrap just as mum and dad were eating. Ben got hungry before dinner was ready and filled up on crisps - that, and the cheese sauce having not quite worked meant he was not interested in eating. Ah well. The Tale of Mrs Tiggywinkle was dug out and read (instant transportation to being seven years old again!), the boys went to bed, and I'm grateful for Charley's happiness to stay in bed on his own for a bit of an evening these days so I can have a few minutes to gather my wits ready for the next day! In other news, mum drew eyes on her hand. Ben took the picture - well, he looked through the viewfinder, told me when her hand was in the centre, I pressed the autofocus and triggered the shutter. Not a bad bit of teamwork!

Bit excited about tomorrow, I'm getting to see Karen again - and I'm going to be painting the lovely Sweet-Dusty-Bones' beautiful pregnant bump :D

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