Duck Race

Considering we'd just driven 250 odd miles last night and arrived just before 1am, the boys and I had a really good night's sleep last night! Woke this morning around 5.30am and couldn't drag myself awake enough to change a probably soggy nappy so left it, then woke up again at 8.30am! Fantastic. Suitably refreshed we attacked the day with gusto and eventually made it out to Lymm to the annual duck race. It rained, we didn't win, we got very soggy, but Ben won two toy cars on the hook-a-duck stall and an inflatable duck on the strongman stall so all was not lost! We had chocolate cake and cups of tea for lunch (I had too much cake), and took ourselves home via twisty country lanes and the baby shop to swap Charley for a better looking version (actually to buy a toilet seat adapter for Ben, I quite like the way Charley looks).

Today's serious error of judgement was before bedtime: decided to go and lie down with Charley while mum was cooking dinner, and ended up spending three hours putting the boys to bed in various combinations. Did not realise I was putting Charley to bed until he fell asleep and I looked at the time. Then, just as he'd finished his second helping I heard Ben say he wanted to go to bed (they'd all had their dinner by this point) so he came in for pyjamas and Charley woke up and was grumpy because he was awake and his nappy was wet so he complained while I shoved the nappies into the washing machine and mum got Ben ready for bed. Thankfully, once Ben and Charley were in bed with me they drifted off fairly quickly and I had my dinner in peace - complete with glass of wine! Bonus :D

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