All These Things...

By Joestockdale

Forest Moon Of Portinscale

"Well I'm here to tell you now each and every mother's son.
That you better learn it fast you better learn it young.
'Cause someday never comes." Someday Never Comes - John Fogerty

I took this shot halfway up Catbells, I always find the loggers bit of forest on the hill to look enchanting when the sun hits it, shame it's private land. This is probably one of my favorite views on this side of Derwent Water, I always see this tree covered hill from the other side on the way to work. Been meaning to get a photo of it since I started back in January.
A pretty productive day so far; finished framing and mounting prints, drove to and from work and stopped off at Hawes End to go for a walk up Catbells and by the shore of the lake.
For this shot I used my 18-105 with a 1.75 ND filter to darken the sky.

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