Come into the Garden

By aprecious

Do dogs laugh?

Is the Pope a Catholic? Do bears...?
Of course I laugh! And if you lived here you'd laugh too! The things I've seen...

It's completely hilarious watching aprecious looking out for sheep, I'm not interested in those wool balls any more, that's yesterday's news. And you should see her anticipating whether it's a nice person coming up or not and working out what to say when I do my May Pole act round them with my lead when I get really excited. I call that the near-human shuffle. And at least I've stopped peeing on stranger's feet, eh?
But what really gets me giggling is her impression of a mountain goat! Haha. I'm up and down a hill two dozen times before she's done it once. She worries about slipping. I mean really? Really? I'm waiting for the moment when she that will be funny! Bit messy maybe, but definitely worth a giggle or two!

"All his her life he she tried to be a good person. Many times, however, he she failed.
For after all, he she was only human. He she wasn't a dog."
? Charles M. Schulz

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