Blipper's Daily (?)

By blipper

Slow Photography

Film Blipper has finally posted some more shots taken with his Yashica FX-3. He's somewhat slower at posting than me (only five posts since his last activity in Dec 2011) but he gets somewhat distracted and doesn't always remember to take his film camera(s) out with him!

Wet and Cold Calender (shot when Blipper was shooting this)

Patent Steam Crane (a blatent rip off of this sot by Blipper)

Black Sunset (taken whilst stalking Blipper taking his shot)

I Think I Can Climb That (he later shown by Blipper)

St Andrews on a Sunny Spring Day (following Blipper around again!)

I do wish this Film Blipper guy would show some originality instead of following me around all the time......

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