In My Life...

By steeble

But I wanted to feed the birds...

Feed the birds and what have you got... FAT BIRDS!

Sorry for the Mary Poppins line. Couldn't not.

Went to Beamish Museum again today. Noticed when I was there last week that they'd opened a fish and chip shop, I'd been told they make the chips in beef dripping. Had to go back to try them really...... and yes, they were served in a mock newspaper like the old days, although priced at £6.99(for fish and chips) not everything was as traditional.

Whilst i was in walking around the village I noticed one of the bankers outside polishing the brass sign. Took a few pictures and originally thought they would look really good in black and white but preferred them in colour. Never in my life have I seen a bank do this anywhere else. times really have changed(I'm getting so old)

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