Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Life's sweet

The brooding sky has delivered on its moody promise, rain, life giving and smile dampening.

With a frantic day ahead an early blip session was the order of the day and the bleak moor like atmosphere did not look promising. I know today will tire me out but my general mood is high and bright, never judge a book they say, well I won't then..... Let's see what happens!

As I watched the folk go by the coffee shop window, scowling and behooded, it made me think of how easily we frown about life these days. We need the rain. It gives us life. Be thankful and not churlish, it won't rain all the time! Wear a coat and put on your wellies, have fun in it, enjoy your life for all it is!!!

After is sweet.....if you want it to be!

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