Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Beautiful View!

Backblipped on 18th April 2012

Another wonderful Aberystwyth view! So many pictures to choose from, but I liked this one the best!

A lovely day. A day in which we both decompressed considerably.

It started with a full breakfast, as it usually does when we're at the Gwesty. We had what we usually have - him: everything except tomatoes and fried bread, with scrambled egg, me: the same but with poached egg. Coffee for him, tea for me, and mixed brown and white toast, because we can never decide!

Then we headed off into town to potter round the shops. Once we had enough room after breakfast we stopped for a coffee, and we went to find a shop we'd seen the night before, which was notable for having a large cuddly giraffe in the window!

The giraffe was just as cute and magnificent as it had been the night before, but I didn't buy it!

Then we continued on our way. I went into a model shop (Airfix models and so on), and the Wonderspouse went off to go and look in a clothes shop for funky t-shirts and so on. I said I was happy to go and look at t-shirts, but he insisted.

After I'd browsed the models and bought a couple of greetings cards from the shop, I exited, ready to go and locate the Wonderspouse! He was standing outside the model shop with Gary under his arm! Apparently the giraffe was called Gary by the shop people. I was well and truly surprised, and didn't stop giggling for about the next 2 hours! Apparently the Wonderspouse had got him for "a good price", and he was an early Wedding Anniversary present for our 10th Anniversary this summer! He's GORGEOUS!

We carried him back to our room, where the staff were making the bed and were rather surprised to see a large giraffe arrive! I got out my tape measure from my handbag and measured him - 4'8. That's taller than some PEOPLE! WOW!!!

Yes, I promise to blip him sometime! At the moment I have his face on my facebook profile!!

Then we headed out again, laughing all the way! We went down to the beach and watched the waves crashing against the rocks, went and kicked the bar, as we usually do, then scampered around on the beach some more!

I don't remember what happened about lunch, which is unusual, but there it is. I suspect I was still too excited by Gary's arrival, and that destroyed my memory!!!

After an afternoon nap we headed out again and got pizza for supper, which we took back to our room and ate while watching the sea. We also watched the telly and saw that there was a bit of weather forecast for the next day. By this stage the waves were really crashy!

Then we said goodnight to Gary and went to sleep!

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